Mike O’Meally – Where The Wild Things Are

On this sweltering Sunday China Heights played host to a collaborative show between Mike O’Meally and Girl Skateboards, the theme of which was Spike Jonze’s recent film Where the Wild Things Are.

The exhibition featured a series of large photographic prints from Australian photographer Mike O’Meally, which he took while on set of the film in Victoria.  The images were stunning, capturing moments of humor, intensity and melancholy. The composition and framing of the shots captured a wonderful sense of the vastness of the landscape.

The show also featured a series of skateboard decks from the Girl Skateboards team.

There seemed to be some confusion in the crowd as publicity for the show had mentioned an auction happening at some stage in the evening. This was not to be. Instead, the room quickly filled with red spots as people realised it was “first in best dressed” and secured their pieces.

A lot of Girl Skateboard fans (young and old) turned out for the chance to brush shoulders with some of the team who are touring the country at the moment.

A large proportion of the crowd were also drawn from the promise that Spike Jonze would be making and appearance. Unfortunately I can’t confirm or deny if this rumor turned out to be correct. Most of the crowd disappeared when the beer ran out, and after 2 hours in the China Heights sauna we also chose to fly to cooler pastures. Besides, we were there for the art… sorry film buffs. :(

Very nice show, and very much looking forward to what is to come next from Mike O’Meally.

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