Do you remember MOP Projects? It’s an artist run initiative that has been running for something close to 10 years. Last time we visited it had two gallery spaces and now it has one. The guys who run MOP have built a wall and cut a door to turn the second gallery into a street-front space that’s all the rage at the moment. Welcome, Galerie Pompom.
From what we can gather, the idea behind Pompom is to make some much-deserved cash. Hailed as MOP’s commercial venture, Pompom has chosen 14 artists to exhibit in 2012. The grand opening of the gallery was Wednesday, so we ducked in to have a peek.
Each of the 14 represented artists had work in the opening exhibition, simply titled Group Show. It was a showcase of things to come from Galerie Pompom’s artists, rather than a cohesive exhibition. Having said that it was great to get a look at such a diverse collection of works in one room. Everything from delicate watercolours, to sculpture, to video art was represented.
The tiny space was packed with supporters, artists and art punters spilled out onto Abercrombie Street to sip a refreshing sparking rosé in the sweet city air.
It’s always nice to see new galleries pop up in our fair city. Welcome, Pompom, we wish you luck and can’t wait to see what you’ve got up your sleeves.
- Leo Coyte
- Charles Dennington
- Rochelle Haley
- Sarah Mosca
- Vicky Browne
- Nana Ohnesorge
- Jamie North
- Heath Franco