April White’s new show Life Remixed opened at Salerno Gallery last week.
This exhibition showcased a continuation of her series of surreal (self?) portraits, as well as a collection of digital works that examined the artist’s interpretation of modern society and culture. While the digital works presented some interesting concepts, it’s White’s illustrative mixed media portraits that are her real strength.
White uses a wonderfully gestural web of graphite lines to render her subjects. In this series the works featuring birds were particularly beautiful. The energy and movement of the birds were in complete contrast to the melancholy and listless figures they perched upon.
Blink and you’ll miss it, actually you have missed it, this show ran for only a week.
While you’re here, take a peek at April White’s last show at Salerno Gallery that we also covered.
This was a great show! Not sure about those mixed media works, but loving the others!