What I Had I Gave Away – Thomas C. Chung + Amanda Humphries @ Hardware Gallery

What I Had I Gave Away – Thomas C. Chung + Amanda Humphries @ Hardware Gallery

Last Tuesday night marked the end of an era for the art scene in Enmore. The much loved Hardware Gallery opened its doors for its last ever exhibition. “What I Had I Gave Away” from Thomas C. Chung and Amanda Humphries, seemed a perfect choice for the final show. The title of the exhibition and the sentiment of change and letting go, was timely and strangely ominous.

Thomas C. Chung’s soft sculptures were of broken toys, tools and items of comfort. The colour and simplicity of his knitted creations had clear links to childhood and the notion of growing out of it. The black framing was a nice touch, but made them difficult to photograph.

Amanda Humphries work for the exhibition was a series of works including large scale watercolours, oil paintings, as well as beaded and embroided studies. Her use of colour and pattern gave an energy and excitement to her work.

As I’m sure regular readers will have noticed, Strobed has been a big fan of Hardware Gallery. We’ll be sorry to see it go, but word on the street is that although the Enmore gallery space is closing, Hardware is simply being re-born. Keep you eyes and ears peeled for big things from the Hardware team in the future!

The final exhibition runs until December 17th. Drop by to check out a fantastic show and bid farewell (for now).

Also check out:
– Hardware Gallery website
– More photos and a write-up on The Near & The Elsewhere
– Thomas C Chung’s website
– Amanda Humphries’ website

Written by STROBED. out of 5